#muscle growth transformation


And here’s the third February(!) story written for yuan99! If you want to see some of his writing and artwork, search his name over at DeviantArt. If you want your own personalized and private stories written by me, then consider becoming my Patron!

It wasn’t a spam call but a spam text, which Bryson knew was much rarer. The message itself was also much more ominous than he was expecting. “For the next week, you will be unable to resist any and all commands spoken to you, no matter how frivolous they are.” The texter then sent a FAQ page of all things, explaining to Bryson that if someone commanded him to gain muscle, for example, his body would be forced to obey and the muscles would grow. It was later clarified that commands like these did not happen instantaneously, but they did happen fast. He tried texting back to see if this was a wrong number or some kind of joke, but all of his texts didn’t go through.

He brushed it off at first, not believing a simple text had the power to curse him. And besides, he didn’t hit the gym, he hated going out in public in general, and most of the people he talked to were online, so the curse wouldn’t activate anyways. About an hour or so later, Bryson’s mom called, and so he naturally answered the phone. Only it wasn’t his mom. “Stay shirtless at home,” said one of those robotic voices fed through some type of machine. They hung up immediately after saying that, and Bryson wondered who would go through all the trouble to spoof his mom’s phone number.

However, he had other things to worry about as he found himself taking off his shirt. “Hey, what’s going on!?” he said to himself, as he was seemingly unable to stop himself from taking off his shirt. Try as he might, he was soon shirtless at home, and he couldn’t put the shirt back on either. He could hold them in his hand, but some kind of weird force was preventing him from actually putting it on. “What the heck is going on here?” Bryson asked himself. The research he did led him nowhere, and his online friends were no help either.

Thankfully, for the next few days, Bryson was able to stay home and avoid speaking to anyone in-person. However, he was taking hybrid courses, which meant he had to go to the classroom on Friday to take a test, the day the curse was set to wear off. He tried to scurry across campus as fast as he could, hoodie on and head down. However, some people on campus who Bryson barely recognized apparently knew about his curse.

“I command you to no longer be ashamed about your body,” said one of his female classmates, which Bryson actually found to be a bit nice. He had always felt shame over how his body looked, as he had been much skinnier than most of his peers. But now he felt comfortable in his body, and thankfully he was allowed to put on a shirt after stepping out of his house. The next command, though, wasn’t one that Bryson enjoyed too much.

“I command you to have blonder hair,” said one of the jocks on campus who had barely paid Bryson any attention the past four years. He took out his phone camera and watched as his brown hair got infused with some blonde highlights. It was a bit weird that someone just commanding that caused it to happen, and Bryson picked up the speed, trying to get to class before some more dramatic changes took place.

“I command you to be much more gregarious,” said one of Bryson’s fellow nerds, someone who knew how to use that word correctly. Bryson swore under his breath as he felt the changes taking place. His neck was forced into the upward position and a smile was plastered all over his face now. He waved at most of his fellow students, but thankfully, this command didn’t cause him to automatically make a whole bunch of new friends on campus, so he could still rush to the classroom.

“Hey, Bry, I command you to wear some better clothing, brah!” Unfortunately for Bryson, since that command came from another jock on campus, Bryson’s clothes changed to reflect the jock’s views of “better.” It included a backwards baseball cap and a t-shirt instead of the button-down he had been wearing. Bryson’s khakis also changed into basketball shorts, and he felt his boxers change into a jockstrap as well. Even his shoes and socks changed, his dress socks and Sperrys becoming white ankle socks and Vans. He had thankfully reached the building his class was in now, but even before he got to the room, he fell victim to another command.

“I command you to look like a jock,” said another one of his female classmates. Bryson was definitely freaking out now, as with every step he took, his muscles continued to grow and grow. By the time he had reached the classroom, he looked like a stereotypical jock on campus. He had nice squishy pecs that admittedly didn’t protrude from his chest that much. His arms were also a bit less muscular than some other jocks, although his bicep peaks were lemon-sized now and definitely much bigger than they were before. He had a six-pack of abs, although not as chiseled as some of the other jocks’ were. His legs got a bit more toned as well, and his ass was no longer as flat as it used to be.

Everybody noticed Bryson’s change into a jock, but thankfully for him, he heard no commands while taking the test. He had studied quite a bit for this test, but he was so nervous and freaking out over the fact that someone could just command something of him at any time and it would be forced to happen that he didn’t do as well on the test as he knew he could have, forgetting things he knew he had studied and messing some things up too. Thankfully, his teacher didn’t grade them immediately after he handed them in, and he rushed out of the room, not wanting to hear any commands for the rest of the day.

The curse was set to wear off in a few hours, if it actually was a week that he had been cursed by the weird text. He had actually made it inside of his dorm when a group of students walked by. Bryson, and the rest of the students on campus, knew them as the himbos, the male bimbos, and unfortunately for Bryson, they had some commands for him. “I command you to be a dumb himbo slut, teeheehee!”

“Yeah, like, I command you to love working out and, like, getting swole, brah, eheheh!”

“I command you to, like, love having sex with other guys, especially, like, guys like us, eheheh!”

“I command you to, like, not worry about school and, like, only focus on working out and having sex, brah, eheheh!”

“Yeah, and, like, I command you to be, like, shirtless whenever possible, teeheehee!” Bryson then took his shirt off again mindlessly, but this time he was doing it with a smile on his face as the many aspects of becoming a himbo were becoming a part of his personality now. He was freaking out at the very beginning as his intelligence was being drained out of him and he gained some new hobbies and interests a bit forcefully. However, he soon had a dumb and goofy grin on his face as he realized just how much he loved working out and having sex with guys, especially guys like the hot group standing in front of him.

“Like, OMG, brahs, can I, like, join you guys at the club, eheheh?”

“Like, yeah, sure things, brah!” they all said, as Bryson began living his new life as a himbo. Instead of being found in the classroom, he could be found in the gym or in the bedroom. He never did find out that it was one of his academic rivals who had set up this entire thing, using his technology skills, his large bank account, and his great-grandmother’s book of curses to make sure that he had no competition and would be valedictorian when the time came.

And here’s the second February story written for yuan99! If you want to read his own stories and see his artwork, search his name over at DeviantArt. If you want your own personalized and private stories written by me, then consider becoming my Patron!

“It’s a family vacation, Logan, you’re coming with us,” his father said. Logan honestly didn’t mind spending time with his family; it was more the location for the family vacation than anything else. They were going to the beach, staying in a rented house with terrible WiFi, so Logan would be forced to go to the beach instead of playing computer games all day or chatting with his virtual friends. Logan was painfully shy when it came to in-person communication for those outside of his family.

He found himself being almost literally dragged to the beach on the first day they were there. After his parents set up a place to sit and relax and his younger siblings ran off and played, Logan made his way over to the beach bar. Despite being called a “bar,” it still served those younger than 21, such as Logan, a 19-year-old who did look a bit younger than that. He just sulked at the bar, thankful for the shade since he was wearing a long-sleeve shirt and a baggy swimsuit that covered up as much as he could.

Since it was a slow day, the bartenders didn’t mind Logan taking up one of the seats at the bar. About an hour or so after he had first sat down, an older muscled man sat next to him. He could have easily been Logan’s dad, and Logan had to admit, the man was definitely hot, if not the type of guy he had been thinking about dating. “Like, hey, brah, what’s the matter, eheheh?”

“My parents dragged me along to this stupid beach vacation with some stupid house that doesn’t have stupid WiFi, so I’m stuck here at some stupid bar until the rest of my family is done with a stupid day on the stupid beach!”

“OMG, like, wow, brah, that must really suck! Do you want me to, like, leave you alone, brah, or would you like to, like, talk, eheheh?”

“Uh, I guess we can talk,” Logan responded. Despite the man sounding like an insufferable himbo, Logan did realize that it was easy to talk to him for some reason.

“So, brah, did you, like, order anything from the bar yet, eheheh?”

“Well, I’m only 19, so no.”

“Hey, Luis, can you, like, get my friend here a soda, eheheh! I’ll, like, pay for his drinks!” The man winked at Luis the bartender, which Logan didn’t notice. By the time the soda came, the himbo had introduced himself as Cam, after a little bit of prompting by Logan. “Like, brah, you hafta try the soda, eheheh! It’ll, like, definitely cheer you up, brah!”

“Um, okay,” Logan replied, not exactly sure how it would cheer him up. However, even in the shade it was still scorching hot out, and so he was happy for the drink. What he didn’t know was that his soda was actually laced with himbo powder. Cam and Luis had turned a few men into himbos already this summer, but very rarely did they get such a big transformation, as was going to happen with Logan. Their conversation continued as Logan took a sip from his soda every few seconds. Soon enough, he was getting another one, and it was getting easier and easier to talk with Cam.

Logan was definitely feeling happier, although he didn’t chalk that up to the drink or the fact that a hot guy was talking to him for quite some time, albeit one who could barely talk correctly in the first place. He also failed to notice that he was sometimes struggling to come up with words now or think about some of his past experiences. He had figured Luis had probably infused his drink with some kind of alcohol, the nerd not even knowing about the existence of himbo powder. It was towards the end of his second drink when he finally realized something was wrong. “Like, where’s my shirt?” he asked Cam and Luis.

“Like, are you sure you had one on, brah?” Cam asked.

“Yes I’m sure!” Logan replied, a bit irritated. He looked on the ground around him and around the bar, in case the wind had taken off after he had seemingly taken it off, and Luis even looked on his side of the bar. His shirt was nowhere to be found. Both of the men knew that it had simply vanished, a weird side effect of the himbo powder that neither man was smart enough to explain. Logan was now freaking out. “I think I should, like, leave guys, and hang out with my family like I really should, eheheh!”

As he got up and started to walk away, he felt a forceful grip on his shoulder as Cam helped to turn him around. “I’m not done with you yet, brah” he gruffly replied, bringing Logan back over to his seat as Luis topped him off again with some more himbo powder-infused soda. “Like, drink the damn soda, Logan,” he ordered. Of course, Logan didn’t do so, even more freaked out than he had been before. However, despite being slightly dumbed down by now, the muscle growth part of the himbo powder hadn’t taken effect yet, and so as much as Logan squirmed and wiggled, there was no escaping the strong grip of the himbo.

Luis also reached across the bar and pinched Logan’s nose until he was forced to open his mouth to breathe. Some of the soda was then forced down his throat, and it was a difficult process at first. However, with each drop of the himbo powder inside of his system, he started to gain a little more muscle. His arms were no longer stick-thin but slowly plumping up, and the same thing was happening to his legs, especially his thighs and hamstrings. He was starting to get pecs that jutted out from his body by a little bit, and a faint outline of a six-pack of abs. It was definitely harder for Cam to keep him in place as he gained more and more muscle.

However, along with the muscle growth and additional dumbing down, every drop also made him want to turn into a himbo even more. By around the third round of being forced to swallow some of the soda, Logan was getting too big for Cam to realistically hold while Luis held his nose and forced the soda down his throat. But when he let go, the himbo-to-be didn’t run away. In fact, he sat down and started to sip on the soda of his accord, much to the relief of the two men. No one around the bar noticed this happening thanks to a side effect of himbo powder dust floating around in the air.

By the time Logan had finished this glass of soda, his transformation was complete. His arms were now the size of melons and a tattoo had even appeared on his right shoulder. His legs were just as massive, causing the swimsuit he was wearing to get even more taut, having already shrank a fair bit from the one he was wearing when he first sat down at the bar. He now had a plainly visible pec shelf on both the top and bottom of his juicy rounded pecs, and while his abs were still faint and not really delineated, people like Cam weren’t always concerned about that. They were more focused on his hair, for example, which was now cut much shorter and had turned blonde.

Naturally, Logan had been dumbed down to about the same level Cam was at now, and he was also as horny as Cam and most other himbos were. However, Logan was a bit different, as in addition to being a himbo, he also considered himself a trophy boy. The Venn diagram of himbos and trophy boys was almost a circle, but regardless, Logan knew that he had to please his daddy himbo now. “OMG, like, Daddy, that soda tasted, like, so good, eheheh! Can I, like, have another!”

“I think, like, that’s enough for you, Logan, eheheh,” Cam replied. “I, like, need to teach some more stuff so, like, you can be the best trophy boy himbo that you can, like, be, eheheh!” The two himbos made their way off the beach shortly and to Cam’s place, where Logan learned his new workout schedule and what Cam expected of him when he brought other himbos and guests around. Logan was also excited to transform other guys into himbos and trophy boys for men other than Daddy! Logan’s parents actually went to the bar to check up on him, but a special drink served by Luis would make them forget all about their son, and the effect would spread to people that they knew. After all, Logan was living his best life now, happily serving as a himbo trophy boy to his hot and hunky daddy himbo, Cam.  
